Monday, 20 July 2015

We Love our Cauliflowers!

 Hillary Team harvest their beautiful cauliflowers and can't wait to gobble them up! 

Results of Bubbly Water Science Experiment

Snell Team are collecting the results of their science experiment into the effect of bubbly hose water on lettuce plants.

Method Continued: To do this they cut the roots off and weighed every plant on some kitchen scales. They were careful to keep measurement methods the same between the two groups of lettuces - eg: cutting roots off in same place, weighing in same way.

 Results: Their measurements showed no clear difference between the size of the lettuces grown in tap water and those grown in bubbly water from the hose (see graph):

Conclusion: They conclude that: whatever is making the hose water bubbly, it doesn't seem to affect the growth of lettuce plants.

Our hypothesis: "That the plants watered with the bubbly hose water will not grow as big as the plants watered with ordinary tap water." 
was found to be incorrect.  It is still an interesting result. 

Kiri Eco-Warriors Harvest their Kumara

 Eva, Siena, Cohen and Max find buried treasure in the wine barrels. See how the kumara tubers are attached to the roots.