Thursday, 26 March 2015

Snell's Carrots and Science Experiment Plan

Joshua is sowing carrot seeds in Snell's planter box.

Snell Eco-Warriors are also planning a Science experiment to discover whether the mysterious bubbles coming out of the garden hose affect the growth of plants. And what is causing those bubbles anyway - just air bubbles or some chemical?

Kiri Sow Broccoli

Kiri Eco-Warriors have sown (planted) broccoli seeds in pots. They will need to keep them in a warm place and remember to very gently water their pots every few days so the seeds will germinate. Once they germinate and have their first leaves, they will need some sunlight to grow bigger.

They have also planted six beetroot and two broccoli seedlings in their planter box. They are getting very good at transplanting seedlings.

Hillary Sowing and Germinating

 Hillary Eco-Warriors have been sowing. Their cauliflower seeds have germinated and are growing well. Now we are waiting for their (purple and orange) carrot seeds to germinate.

Seeds need three things to germinate: Water, Warmth & Oxygen 
(They don't actually need sunlight until they have leaves)
This little fellow was found crawling on Isabella. Who can identify it?:

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

BioBlitz Newsflash!

The hunt is on for Kepa Bush bugs. This Friday and Saturday scientists, volunteers and Ruud Kleinpaste (the bugman) will be at Kepa Bush (behind Eastridge) documenting every species found in Pourewa Reserve and Kepa Bush. 
Families are invited to attend - there are guided walks and cool microscopes to look through.

Where: 111 Kepa Road
When: Friday 27th from 10am till 11pm
           & Saturday 28th March from 7am till 4pm.

Read today's (Wednesday) Courier to read more
or link to BioBlitz website for details and timetable of events.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Growing Ratatouille!

Ratatouille is not really a rat from a movie, thankfully, as we are hoping to eat it! It is the French name for a vegetable dish made from fresh summer vegetables like aubergine (egg-plant), capsicum, tomatoes and zucchini. 

We have been growing these ingredients in the Cowley and Hillary gardens over summer and now they are ripe:

Here are the Cowley Eco-Warriors harvesting egg plant, capsicum, basil, tomatoes and beans; and preparing to cook them up:

Check the upcoming post to find out who enjoyed the ratatouille.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Hanan's Pumpkin in a Lemon Tree!

Hanan's pumpkin plant likes growing in his Nana's lemon tree. Let's hope it is a strong tree!

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Snell Team Working in Medicinal Garden

Snell team Eco-Warriors have been weeding, trimming, planting and watering their Medicinal Herb Garden. Here is Sade planting an echinacea plant. Echinacea root is believed to boost the immune system, lessening the severity of colds and flu.

Kiri Eco-Warriors Propagate Strawberries

Kiri team Eco-Warriors have been busy propagating strawberry plants by encouraging runners to root down in pots. Here they are with their strawberry plants to take home and some purple beans they have harvested.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Rowan's Lovely Looking Pumpkin!

Look at the very handsome pumpkin that Rowan grew!

Sienna's Super Pumpkin!

I wonder if Sienna has a winner?

Eco -warriors get busy at home!

Look at Theo's amazing bean that he grew at home. You have green fingers Theo!

Awesome Aubergine!

Look at what we have growing!!!!!!!

I wonder what we will decide to cook with these? Any suggestions welcome........

Cucumber Salad

Hillary Eco-Warriors try the cucumber salad they made with the cucumbers harvested from their garden. Finn's not convinced about the yoghurt!

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Hillary Eco-Warriors for 2015 Get Started

New Hillary Eco-Warriors get busy in the gardens; trimming lateral branches off tomato plants, finding creatures, and using worm castings from hungry bins to fertilise garden.

Pesto a Welcome Harvest

Cowley Eco-Warriors (from last year) harvest their basil and make yummy pesto for sharing at the first 2015 EnviroTeam meeting the next day.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Worms Love Scraps!

At Kohi we have 4 resident worm farms. One is in Kiri area, two are in the Cowley/ Hillary area, and the other is up in the Snell area.

Please feed the worms your organic scraps. They can eat all of your fruit and vege peelings and left-overs and don't mind your paper napkins.

You will also be helping to produce free worm casting fertilizer to feed our gardens with! :) 

Did you know that worms don't like orange peel? You can take orange peel home for your own compost heap.

Worms also don't eat plastic wrap, coffee cups sandwiches or meat. Please put those in the landfill bins.

Giant Pumpkin Contest

How is your giant pumpkin growing?????
Send us in your photos for publishing here!

Here are photos of Dylan's pumpkin :)